MSI Opening Match: FLY 2-1 PSG, Orianna Guides the Way, FLY Comes from Behind to Defeat PSG

MSI Opening Match: FLY 2-1 PSG, Orianna Guides the Way, FLY Comes from Behind to Defeat PSG

Game 1: FLY (Blue Side) vs PSG (Red Side)

Bans for PSG: Lee Sin, Renekton, Varus, Viego, Poppy

Picks for PSG: Azhi Rumble, JunJia Jarvan IV, Maple Azir, Betty Senna, Woody Tahm Kench

Bans for FLY: Vi, Ahri, Kalista, Xin Zhao, Wukong

Picks for FLY: Bwipo Urgot, Inspired Sejuani, Jensen Taliyah, Massu Jinx, Busio Nautilus


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Champion Runes:

Match Summary:

9 minutes: Both teams aggressively swap lanes, Azhi's Rumble is caught and killed, Sejuani takes the first blood.

18 minutes: PSG initiates and secures their second dragon after eliminating Tahm Kench.

32 minutes: PSG mid-lane pushes, eliminates Tahm Kench, damages multiple members, and takes the Baron Nashor.

37 minutes: Rumble lands a perfect ultimate, PSG fights to a 0-for-2 exchange to defend their sixth dragon, both teams at seven dragons.

43 minutes: During the Electro Dragon Soul, PSG fights to a 0-for-3 exchange, FLY is unable to fight back and loses the first game.

Post-Game Data:


Game 2: FLY (Blue Side) vs PSG (Red Side)

Bans for FLY: Vi, Ahri, Renata, Wukong, Volibear

Picks for FLY: Bwipo Urgot, Inspired Maokai, Jensen Taliyah, Massu Lucian, Busio Nami

Bans for PSG: Lee Sin, Renekton, Nautilus, Poppy, Xin Zhao

Picks for PSG: Azhi K'Sante, JunJia Sejuani, Maple Azir, Betty Kalista, Woody Ashe


Champion Runes:

Match Brief:

10 minutes: JunJia camps and catches Taliyah, Ashe secures the first blood.

12 minutes: Ashe's ultimate hits mid-lane, Azir collects the kill.

13 minutes: Maokai ganks bottom, Lucian picks up a double kill.

23 minutes: FLY secures their dragon, PSG focuses fire to eliminate Maokai.

31 minutes: FLY achieves an Ace and completes a push.

Post-Game Data


Game 3: FLY (Red Side) vs PSG (Blue Side)

Bans for FLY: Vi, Ahri, Taliyah, Renata, Rumble

Picks for FLY: Bwipo Olaf, Inspired Sejuani, Jensen Orianna, Massu Varus, Busio Nautilus

Bans for PSG: The Card Master, Urgot, Lucian, Lee Sin, Renekton

Picks for PSG: Azhi K'Sante, JunJia Xin Zhao, Maple Karma, Betty Kalista, Wood Rell


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Champion Runes

Match Brief:

4 minutes: Xin Zhao is caught in the red side's jungle by three members of the opposing team, Varus secures the first blood.

5 minutes: Woody's Rell initiates, and both supports trade kills.

14 minutes: PSG's trio flanks and eliminates the split-pushing Orianna.

21 minutes: Inspired's Sejuani initiates decisively in the mid-lane, after PSG's bot lane duo falls, FLY takes the Baron Nashor.

32 minutes: Jensen's Orianna pushes over PSG's base.

Post-Game Data


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